Our accommodation offer for you during Artevelde UAS Welcome Week (Please select one option corresponding to your arrival date)
- Spend the night during your first week in a group accommodation in Ghent, completely provided with breakfast.
- And this at a super affordable rate of €15/night (breakfast included)
- And then on 7 February, with new friendships and fresh weekend plans in your pocket, you can relocate to the Artevelde UAS housing.
Quickly feel at home in Ghent and Artevelde UAS:
- Get to know your international fellow students
- Start networking across different disciplines immediately (Business & Management, Health & Care, People & Society, Education, Communication, Media & Design)
- Practice your Flemish together and order our famous meat stew like a Ghentian pro in no time! (Be sure to check the Flemish glossary in your Welcome Brochure for other Flemish words and phrases!)
Combined with all the interesting activities and workshops during your Welcome Week, we hope that you’ll be able to quickly feel at home. Both at Artevelde UAS, but also in Ghent, the city where we manage the art to perfectly blend medieval vibes with modern and vibrant city life.