GDM/IGM students: Mandatory for all is the session "Open type and variable fonts" (Mr Göhlich)
IMD/AVD students: Mandatory for you (in addition) is the session "AI generated sequencing" (Mr Ceplitis, Mrs Durling-Jones)
JOU/IJO students: Mandatory for all is the session "Unmasking the fake" (Mrs. Kaladze)
COM/ICM students: Mandatory for all is the session "Strategic insights/ City Branding" (Mrs. Birute)
There are several slots available until the groups are fully booked.
Please note: The contents of these lectures are part of your official learning materials.
Every student chooses 2 extra sessions from the "open seminars"
Your presence will be registered.
This event page is accessible from 10 February 9 am till 14 February 2025 midnight.
Here is the link to the detailed description of ALL lectures